SoJazzieHomeGirl Media & Podcast
Jazzie LaneJones, otherwise known as your SoJazzieHomeGirl Media Podcast host. After 10 years on another platform Jazzie once again brings you the latest in real estate information, lifestyle, entertainment, current affairs, travel, fashion, food, health & wellness, diversity and a host of passions that we all share.
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SoJazzieHomeGirl Media & Podcast
Hill Harper in Atlanta Campaigning for The Senate Seat & Why It’s Important
Join Jazzie Jones- Smith, your Sojazzie Home Girl Media Host & Miko Evans , Host/ CEO of Meak Productions interviewing Hill Harper candidate for the Senate seat of Michigan. He is a lawyer, union organizer, actor and single father. He’s running for U.S. Senate to ensure every single Michigander has economic security and real representation focused on the people, not lobbyists or wealthy donors.
Mr. Harper recently rallied at The Gathering Spot in Atlanta, Ga.
Media Host Jazzie LaneJones