SoJazzieHomeGirl Media & Podcast
Jazzie LaneJones, otherwise known as your SoJazzieHomeGirl Media Podcast host. After 10 years on another platform Jazzie once again brings you the latest in real estate information, lifestyle, entertainment, current affairs, travel, fashion, food, health & wellness, diversity and a host of passions that we all share.
Join us on, TacoBoutIt Tuesdays and or special coverage events with your favorite beverage and let’s get into it!
SoJazzieHomeGirl Media & Podcast
“Pardon My Truth”- “Love” Lifted Me From, Heartbreak to Acceptance!
Join Jazzie Jones-Smith, your SojazzieHomeGirl on this journey with Author, Kim Hart as she talks about her new memoir, Pardon My Truth! This episode uncovers a hidden life exposed after 34 years of marriage! Kim’s vulnerability bleeds through the pages and during this candid conversation that serves us a mixture of emotions, and a twist of reality.
Media Host Jazzie LaneJones