SoJazzieHomeGirl Media & Podcast
Jazzie LaneJones, otherwise known as your SoJazzieHomeGirl Media Podcast host. After 10 years on another platform Jazzie once again brings you the latest in real estate information, lifestyle, entertainment, current affairs, travel, fashion, food, health & wellness, diversity and a host of passions that we all share.
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SoJazzieHomeGirl Media & Podcast
"The Gift of Technology" The Conclusion of Hurt People Hurt People with Dr. A'Cire
Join Your Sojazzie HomeGirl-Jazzie Jones-Smith for a subject that has been near and dear to her for years! Domestic Violence Awareness Month 2023 is an opportunity to empower survivors of domestic violence by giving them a platform to share their stories and seek assistance. Many survivors suffer in silence due to fear, shame, or a lack of resources However, there are Sheros advocating for change and during this month we will talk to several like
Dr. A'Cire has partnered with NFL Alumni LaTarence Dunbar to advocate for women through the gift of technology and education. The purpose of the 501(c)3 is to provide services for victims who have experienced a crime or national disaster in their area. Also, provide employment, education, and other special assistance to women, minorities, veterans, youth, and dislocated workers. The City Crime Watch of America's primary mission was to assist victims of crimes such as burglary, robbery, assaults, and domestic violence. The City Crime Watch of America provides strategic consulting in security, technology, construction services, and managed apprenticeship training to commercial, for-profit, nonprofit and government organizations.
#iamasojazziegirl #iamasurvivor #domesticviolence #letstalkaboutmentalhealth #bethechange #sojazziehomegirlpodcast #stoptheviolence #danceasafetoolfortouch #salsadancing #sponsorship
Media Host Jazzie LaneJones