SoJazzieHomeGirl Media & Podcast
Jazzie LaneJones, otherwise known as your SoJazzieHomeGirl Media Podcast host. After 10 years on another platform Jazzie once again brings you the latest in real estate information, lifestyle, entertainment, current affairs, travel, fashion, food, health & wellness, diversity and a host of passions that we all share.
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SoJazzieHomeGirl Media & Podcast
The Evolution of Tracy Wilson -One Woman -Many Hearts
Join us in the Sojazzie Home Girl Media & Podcast Studio, as we bring back our friend and special guest Tracy Wilson, as she shares her journey of overcoming pain and using her story to make a difference. She discusses her work in advocating for AEDs and CPR training in schools, as well as her involvement in the TNT Wilson Foundation. Emphasizes the importance of being the change you want to see. She also talks about her upcoming projects as a host of Sister Vibes on BOD ( Black On Demand TV) as well as a book collaboration with a chapter on motherhood and grief. Throughout the conversation, Tracy's resilience and commitment to serving others shine through. In this conversation, Jazzie Jones and Tracy Wilson discuss the importance of healing and doing the inner work. They emphasize the need to find the right therapist and be willing to go through the stages of grief. They also talk about the power of surrendering and letting go and the importance of having a support system and cheerleaders in life & self-acceptance, and they both express gratitude for the opportunities and blessings in their lives
Media Host Jazzie LaneJones