SoJazzieHomeGirl Media & Podcast
Jazzie LaneJones, otherwise known as your SoJazzieHomeGirl Media Podcast host. After 10 years on another platform Jazzie once again brings you the latest in real estate information, lifestyle, entertainment, current affairs, travel, fashion, food, health & wellness, diversity and a host of passions that we all share.
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SoJazzieHomeGirl Media & Podcast
Lets' Talk About Sexual Erotic Pleasure & Genuine Intimacy Education with Dr. Joi Chester
Join Jazzie Jones on Sojazzie Home Girl Media & Podcast & Special Guest, Dr. Joi Chester, a dynamic professional leading a double life.
This podcast episode features a candid and in-depth conversation about sexuality, intimacy, and sexual education. Dr. Joi shares insights on healthy sexual relationships, breaking stigmas, and the importance of education and training in exploring sexual preferences. The discussion delves into BDSM, kink lifestyles, and the psychological and emotional aspects of sexual exploration. It also addresses trauma, triggers, and the need for trust and communication in sexual relationships. The conversation covers a wide range of topics related to sexual education, pleasure, communication, and life changes. It emphasizes the importance of knowledge, communication, and empowerment in the context of sexual health and pleasure. The discussion also delves into the impact of life changes on pleasure, the importance of proper education, and the need for open and honest conversations about sex and pleasure.
By day, she's an influential executive educational leader with over twenty years of experience in urban educational institutions. She expertly guides teams and policymakers toward achieving successful outcomes. By night, she transforms into an intimacy coach dedicated to enhancing pleasure.
Dr. Joi's journey is marked by her passion for learning and her extensive experience as a teacher, consultant, and researcher. As the founder of Dr. Joi’s Global Services, LLC, she has become an international presenter known for her strategic techniques that drive impactful results. With a doctoral degree in Educational Leadership, she continues to research and analyze programs to help organizations and individuals create transformative change.
In addition to her educational expertise, Dr. Joi has made a name for herself in the intimacy industry as a top Bedroom Kandi Boutique consultant. For over a decade, she has used her skills in education and leadership to support singles, couples, and those in undefined or complex relationships. Her workshops and events emphasize the power of self-knowledge and the belief that sexiness can be integrated into all aspects of life, which is why she named her intimacy business Everything’s Sexy.
Media Host Jazzie LaneJones